Orari Uffici: Lun - Ven 9.00 - 18.00commerciale@cestarorossi.com+39 080.542 10 66Via Vitantonio Debellis, 37, Bari - Italy

The key units






The key units of the technical management for maintenance and improvement activities.

Job controllers group

Highly professional specialist technicians are dedicated to:

  • Scheduling of special work in agreement with site managers
  • Historical data analysis
  • Control and supervision of site management
  • Scheduling of required personnel
  • Scheduling of required equipment and means
  • Specific studies of equipment, tools, special lifts, temporary structures according to implementation needs
  • Real-time update of work progress
  • Corrective actions to address any deviations from the expected and planned schedule
  • Data processing and updating of company database


This unit, depending on the operational needs and the work to be performed carries out:

  • Stress analisys and processing of drawings and authorization files, for pressure equipment at client’s request, according to UNI EN 13445-3, VSR 95, ASME standards
  • Structural verifications and execution processed after stress analysis using the Finite Element Method
  • Design and construction of special vehicles and equipment specific for the company’s operational needs.
  • Verification calculations for special lifts
  • Modal analysis for verification/design rotating machine anchoring systems
  • Design and construction of temporary steelwork structures for special operating conditions
  • Electrical plant design